Update on Lisa

Lisa is doing well. She’s still in the hospital and still has a lot of pain. But she’s chatting and in good spirits.

PHOTOS taken from the impound yard of her car. I do have one from the crash scene but it belongs to the local TV station.

lisa's car 3

lisa's car 2

This photo above is of the driver’s side. The driver door is ajar and the rear passenger door is pushed inward. They had to cut the top of the car (roof) off to get her out. The top is peeled back while they work and then allowed to drop back onto the car once she was freed. But you can see the side curtain airbags were deployed and the steering wheel airbag was also deployed.

An angel on her shoulder or a star in her pocket? I’m certain Nissan would tell you it’s because of all the safety features they have added to new cars. Whatever it was… Lisa is one very lucky ducky to even be alive! She’s still in then hospital, still in pain, but she’s talking and giving thanks to her God above. Someone like Lisa just doesn’t stay down!

Personally, if there is such a thing as a God in heaven, I think her accident situation went something like this.

God looked over at St. Peter when they witnessed the accident and shook his head. “Leave her down there.”

St. Peter frowned. “But that’s not a little fender bender. She’s on the brink of death.”

God rubbed his forehead. “No way. We’ve got to leave her there. With everything going on in the world, I’m not ready to cope with her up here.”

“Forgive me, God, for questioning your divine knowledge, but we need to snatch her while we can. I can have her fitted for wings as soon as she comes.”

“No. Wings do not guarantee a thing. Remember I made the mosquito.”

“That was not one of your better inventions.” St Peter rolled his eyes.

“I caught that, Pete! I know what I’m doing. If we bring her up here now, she’ll take her halo and twist it into roller skates. Leave her down there until she mellows.”


4 Responses to Update on Lisa

  1. Lol, cute way to ease a very scary situation. I hope she recovers soon {{hugs}}

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